
Appointments can be scheduled throughout the United Kingdom, seven days a week.

Swedish tantric massage for women by a male massage therapist.

Swedish Massage

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation and sensuality with my personalised Swedish Massage service, crafted exclusively for females. As a skilled male massage therapist, I provide a unique and intimate experience that goes beyond traditional massage. My expert touch combines the therapeutic benefits of Swedish Massage with a sensual approach, creating an atmosphere of deep relaxation and heightened pleasure. Feel the tension melt away as I use gentle strokes, kneading, and rhythmic movements to ease your muscles and elevate your senses.

Deep Tissue Massage

Embark on a journey of profound tranquility and sensuality with my specialised Deep Tissue massage service. As a male massage therapist dedicated exclusively to female clientele, I offer a unique blend of therapeutic expertise and a sensual touch. Immerse yourself in deep relaxation as I apply substantial pressure to address muscle tension and knots, providing a transformative experience for both body and senses. Tailored to your comfort, this session seamlessly integrates the therapeutic advantages of deep tissue massage with an intimate approach.

Erotic sensual yoni vigrina massage service in London UK  for women by male massage therapist.

Yoni Massage

The Therapy Guru specialises in the art of Yoni massage—a sacred and intimate tantra practice centred around massaging the vagina, referred to as "yoni" in Sanskrit, signifying a "sacred space." Yoni massage is not only a sensual experience but also a pathway to self-discovery, relaxation, and heightened consciousness. Beyond the Clitoris: Yoni massage extends beyond mere clitoral stimulation. Deep breathing is harnessed to move sexual energy from the yoni to various parts of the body, allowing for a more expansive and holistic experience.

Kashmir sensual massage for women, by male massage therapist in London UK.

Kashmiri Tantra Massage

The Therapy Guru introduces the transformative experience of a Kashmiri massage—an intimate, tender, and liberating form of meditative touch that fosters a profound connection between the giver and receiver, tapping into a deeper layer of consciousness for emotional healing. Reconnection with the Body: Ideal for those who may have been distant from touch, Kashmiri massage provides a gentle space to reconnect with the body.

Sensual erotic massage for women by a male massage therapist in London UK.

Sensual Massage

A sensual massage is a deeply intimate, full-body experience crafted to engage and arouse both the body and mind through the art of physical touch and seductive stimulation. This comprehensive head-to-toe massage offers the option to include the clitoris, vagina, and vulva, providing a holistic approach to pleasure. The intention is to guide you to profound levels of relaxation and delight, with customization based on your comfort and preferences. The focus is on creating an atmosphere where you can explore your desires.

Erotic sexy couples massage service by male massage therapist in London UK.

Couples Massage

The Therapy Guru offers a unique and intimate experience with couples sensual massage. During the session, a "two on one" approach is taken, where partners have the option to actively participate in the massage, guided by me, or simply observe — ensuring the experience is tailored to your preferences. Throughout the session, I incorporate energy techniques, the power of touch, and focused intent to awaken and heighten your senses.

Revitalize your body and mind